
Amortización a 30 Años para Primeros Compradores de Vivienda: Todo lo que Necesitas Saber

El gobierno canadiense ha introducido una nueva política que permite a los primeros compradores de viviendas nuevas optar por un período de amortización de 30 años. Esta medida busca facilitar el acceso al mercado de viviendas. A continuación, te presentamos una visión completa sobre lo que implica esta nueva política y cómo puede beneficiarte. ¿Qué… Continue reading Amortización a 30 Años para Primeros Compradores de Vivienda: Todo lo que Necesitas Saber

30-Year Amortization for First-Time Homebuyers: Everything You Need to Know

The Canadian government has introduced a new policy allowing first-time buyers of newly built homes to choose a 30-year amortization period. This change is designed to make homeownership more accessible. Here’s a detailed look at what this new policy involves and how it might benefit you. What is Amortization? Amortization refers to the period over… Continue reading 30-Year Amortization for First-Time Homebuyers: Everything You Need to Know

La Importancia de las decisiones de la Fed en la Economía Canadiense

La economía de Canadá y la de Estados Unidos están estrechamente interconectadas debido a su proximidad geográfica y a los acuerdos comerciales que comparten. Uno de los factores externos que más influye en la economía canadiense son los números de la Reserva Federal (Fed) de Estados Unidos. Pero, ¿por qué es tan importante prestar atención… Continue reading La Importancia de las decisiones de la Fed en la Economía Canadiense

The Importance of Fed Decisions in the Canadian Economy

The economies of Canada and the United States are closely linked due to their geographic proximity and shared trade agreements. One of the most influential external factors on the Canadian economy is the decisions made by the United States Federal Reserve (The FED). But why is it so crucial to pay attention to these decisions?… Continue reading The Importance of Fed Decisions in the Canadian Economy

¿Debería extender el plazo de amortización al renovar mi hipoteca?

Cuando se acerca el momento de renovar tu hipoteca, es una excelente oportunidad para reevaluar tus metas financieras y determinar la mejor estrategia para tu préstamo. Una opción a considerar es extender el plazo de tu hipoteca. Pero, ¿es esta la elección adecuada para ti? ¿Qué Significa Extender tu Hipoteca? Ampliar el plazo de tu… Continue reading ¿Debería extender el plazo de amortización al renovar mi hipoteca?

Should You Extend Your Mortgage Amortization at Renewal?

Should You Extend Your Mortgage Amortization at Renewal?

When your mortgage renewal approaches, it’s a perfect time to reassess your financial goals and evaluate the best strategy for your home loan. One option to consider is stretching your mortgage term. But is this the right choice for you? What Does Stretching Your Mortgage Mean? Stretching your mortgage term involves extending the length of… Continue reading Should You Extend Your Mortgage Amortization at Renewal?

Descubre los Costos al Vender tu Casa en Canadá

Vender tu casa en Canadá conlleva varios costos que debes considerar cuidadosamente para planificar adecuadamente y maximizar tus ganancias. Si planeas comprar otra propiedad y necesitas mejorar tu aprobación hipotecaria pagando deudas existentes, debes considerar estos costos adicionales como parte de tu planificación financiera. Aquí te explicamos los principales costos y algunos adicionales que podrían… Continue reading Descubre los Costos al Vender tu Casa en Canadá

Discover Key Costs When Selling Your Home in Canada

Selling your home involves several costs that you need to carefully consider to plan effectively and maximize your profits. If you’re planning to buy another property and need to improve your mortgage approval by paying off existing debts, these additional costs should be part of your financial planning. Here’s a breakdown of the main expenses… Continue reading Discover Key Costs When Selling Your Home in Canada

Understanding Mortgage Stress Tests: What You Need to Know

These tests play a crucial role in the home buying process, ensuring that borrowers can manage their mortgage payments even in scenarios of rising interest rates. What Exactly is a Mortgage Stress Test? A mortgage stress test evaluates your capacity to afford mortgage payments under hypothetical higher interest rates. It serves as a precautionary measure… Continue reading Understanding Mortgage Stress Tests: What You Need to Know

Many Canadians Looking to Get Mortgages Before Rates Increase Further

The Bank of Canada raised its benchmark interest rate by  0.5 per cent in early March and made it clear that more increases are coming. Tiff Macklem, the central bank’s governor said “the economy is now in a place where moving to a more normal setting for interest rates is appropriate,”:  As a result, mortgage… Continue reading Many Canadians Looking to Get Mortgages Before Rates Increase Further